Who We Are

Sanctuary San Diego helps people discover Christ, grow together in faith, connect together in community, and collaborate together in serving others.


Our Mission

To Reach, Include, Shape, and Empower faithful followers of Jesus Christ. (RISE)

Our Vision

We desire to be a community of faith empowered by the Gospel to Gather, Grow, Give and Go into the world to make disciples of Jesus.

Our Values

GOSPEL Focus: We will focus on the GOSPEL because the GOSPEL transforms lives.

GATHER in Authentic Community: We will GATHER because we are not meant to live this life alone.

GROW through Intentional Discipleship: We will GROW because we are not yet everything God created us to be.

GIVE with Radical Generosity: We will GIVE because we have been given much in Christ.

GO on Mission: We will GO because we have been commissioned to reach the world.

Our Culture

We believe that the Christian life should be lived out in a welcoming community that inspires one another to grow closer to God, with our faith expressed by love displayed in practical action.


We do life together, find answers together, share together, grow together, and serve others together. We are better together.


A healthy church is a church that can help other people get healthier.

  • We are all learning to follow Jesus together.

  • We are not perfect but Jesus is.

  • We are committed to one another.

  • We seek to grow healthier together emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

  • We are patient with one another.

  • We take compassion, mercy and kindness seriously.

  • We take fellowship & fun seriously.

  • We welcome the curious, the outsider, the uncomfortable, the introvert, the nontraditional, the waifs and strays, the nerds and the outcast.

  • There is always room for one more at the table.

Meet the Team